Published on: June 13, 2023
The Supplemental Security Income program provides financial support to elderly, blind, or disabled individuals with limited income and resources. The monthly SSI benefit payment helps beneficiaries cover basic necessities such as food and shelter, so it’s understandable to be anxious and want to know the date to expect the monthly payment.
The Social Security Administration is responsible for administering the SSI program and ensuring that beneficiaries receive their monthly payments. If you receive SSI benefits, it’s important to know when your payment will be available so you can budget for payment of essential expenses, including food and housing.
This article lets you know when to expect SSI checks to be deposited for May 2023. It also gives you an overview of the SSI program and the process used by Social Security to issue payments to beneficiaries. You’ll also learn about reasons for SSI benefits delays and what you can do when you do not receive your SSI checks. If you have questions, the skilled disability advocates at Disability Experts of Florida are ready to help with honest answers and outstanding representation to resolve any difficulties you encounter.
Social Security Disability Benefits Payment Schedule
If you only receive SSD benefits through SSI, your payment will be made to your bank or debit card on the first day of the month, depending on your chosen payment method. If the first day of the month falls on a weekend or federal holiday, the payment will be made on the preceding weekday.
For example, May 1, 2023, is a Monday and not a holiday, so that is when Social Security will process your SSI payment. However, the April payment would have been processed on March 31 this year because April 1, 2023, falls on a Saturday, and Social Security does not process SSI disability benefits on the weekend.
Payment Schedule For People Eligible For SSDI And SSI Benefits
If a person qualifies for both SSI and Social Security Disability Insurance, processing of SSI payments takes place on the first of the month, with the exception being if the first falls on a weekend or federal holiday. In that case, processing of the disability benefits payment takes place on the immediately preceding weekday. However, SSDI benefits are processed on the third day of the month, regardless of the recipient’s date of birth.
For individuals receiving Social Security benefits through the work record of a parent or spouse, their payment processing takes place on the Wednesday of the month based on the birth date of the parent or spouse. It is not based on the birth date of the person receiving the payment.
Disability benefits payments for the SSDI program are on a Wednesday based on the eligible person’s date of birth as follows:
- Second Wednesday of the month for people born on the first through 10th of the month.
- Third Wednesday of the month for people born on the 11th through 20th of the month.
- Fourth Wednesday of the month for people born on the 21st through 31st of the month.
If you have any questions or confusion about when to expect your disability benefits through SSI and SSDI, contact the Social Security Administration online or by telephone for clarification. Better yet, contact a disability advocate at Disability Experts of Florida.
Causes Of Disability Benefit Payment Delays
Factors that could result in a delay in processing your SSI payment include failing to keep Social Security updated about changes in your income, address, or the bank where you have an account. Sometimes, a delayed payment may be caused by severe weather or other reasons affecting all recipients or recipients in certain parts of the country.
If you do not receive your SSI payment, contact the Social Security Administration by telephone or through their website for information about the delay. Unless it is a system-wide issue, such as severe weather, check to ensure that the cause is not related to something you did or failed to do.
Keep in mind that banks have policies that determine when the money deposited to your account becomes available to you. When opening an account at a bank, it’s a good idea to ask how long it takes before disability benefits deposited into it are available to you.
If the bank has a policy that delays access to the money, check with other banks in your area to find one that gives you immediate access or access by the next business day after the money reaches your account. Do not forget to let Social Security know about it when switching accounts.
Get Expert Advice And Assistance From A Disability Advocate
The disability advocates at Disability Experts of Florida have years of experience helping people obtain the disability benefits they deserve and are entitled to receive. Whether you have a question about when to expect an SSI check or how to apply for SSI and SSDI benefits, our disability advocates are here to help. Contact them today for a free consultation and claim evaluation.