Identity Theft: An Update on Disability Application Scammers

Published on: July 19, 2016

Suffering from a medically disabling condition is not an ideal situation for anyone, and applying for disability benefits while suffering from these often excruciating conditions can be challenging, stressful and painful.

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However, falling prey to identity theft on top of enduring a disabling condition is even more of a challenge with additional stress.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is warning people about the increased risk of identity theft which is becoming more prevalent when people begin applying for disability benefits online.

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These scammers widdle their way to your information by pretending they are helping you finish- up your application. Generally, they will give you a phone call and phish around for your personal information by telling you that you need to complete the application process and confirm your Social Security Number or bank account number.

Due to this increase, the FTC has provided some tips on how you can avoid becoming a victim of identity theft or phishing scams when you apply for disability benefits.

Tips to Avoid Disability Application Scammers

  • Do not tell someone your Social Security number or bank account numbers to someone who you don’t know over the phone
  • Never wire or send money from a prepaid debit card
  • Regularly check the status of your disability benefits and review your statements for accuracy
  • If you feel that you are being pressured to provide your personal information, then it is likely a scam.

What Do Disability Application Scammers Mean For You?

Simply put, disability application scammer means that you could end up being the victim of identity theft.

So, not only are you suffering from a disabling condition but now you will be suffering the additional hassle of identity theft and possible plummeting credit scores.

If you feel that you are being scammed when applying for disability benefits, contact the Social Security Fraud Hotline and the FTC to report it and help stop fraud in its tracks.

Another way to avoid application scammers who call and phish for your personal information is to utilize a  compassionate and professional disability advocate.

Contact a professional today who is equipped to help you gather the necessary paperwork, help you avoid disability application scammers and apply for disability benefits safely and securely. 



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