Can You Get Disability For Fibromyalgia?

Published on: January 21, 2025

If you or someone you love has fibromyalgia, you already know that it’s a very difficult condition. It can be painful, long-lasting, and challenging in any number of ways. Depending upon its severity, it can also be very disabling. If fibromyalgia has caused you to be unable to work for at least one continuous calendar year or more, you may qualify for disability benefits from the Social Security Administration. Understandably, these benefits can make a tremendous difference when you cannot work and earn an income as you otherwise would. Let’s take a closer look at the types of benefits available and the conditions for eligibility.

What is Fibromyalgia – And Does it Qualify as a “Disabling Condition”?

Fibromyalgia is a complex condition. As those who struggle with this condition know very well, it can cause ongoing pain throughout the entire body, as well as muscle and joint stiffness, numbness and tingling in the extremities, and a variety of other symptoms. Some of those other symptoms may include:

  • Sleep problems
  • Headaches
  • Memory issues
  • Depression and/or anxiety
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • And more.

In order to determine whether or not a condition qualifies for disability benefits, the Social Security Administration will often consult what is known as its "Blue Book." The Blue Book is a guide that lists a variety of impairments, as well as their accompanying symptoms. Those who can establish that they have a condition in the Blue Book will generally increase their chances of having their claim approved.

Fortunately for those with fibromyalgia, it is a condition included in the Blue Book. While this is helpful for pursuing a claim, it is important to realize that one of the requirements in the Blue Book is that those who struggle with fibromyalgia must be able to identify the location and severity of pain caused by the condition, as well as its effect on day-to-day life.

As a result, gathering necessary medical proof will be important. You should be able to submit records that include not only your diagnosis but also areas of your body that are affected by pain, as well as the frequency of painful episodes and how they affect your life each day. In order to be approved for benefits, those with fibromyalgia must be able to establish that it affects day-to-day life so severely that they are unable to work for at least one continuous calendar year or more.

What Benefits Are Available?

Those who can establish through sufficient medical proof that they have fibromyalgia that has rendered them disabled for a year or more may be able to qualify for benefits. The Social Security Administration offers two types of benefits to disabled individuals. These include:

  • Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI): SSDI benefits are paid by the Social Security Administration to qualified applicants who are “insured.” This means that they worked a job for a sufficient length of time through which they regularly paid a portion of their salary as taxes into the Social Security system. In 2025, the maximum amount of SSDI benefits that an applicant can receive is $4,018 per month. 
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI): As is the case with SSDI benefits, in order to receive SSI benefits, an individual must have a qualifying medical condition that has caused them to be disabled for at least one continuous calendar year or more. Unlike the case with SSDI benefits, however, those who apply for SSI benefits need not be "insured." Instead, they must have income and resources below a certain annual limit established by the Social Security Administration. This is because the SSI program is not funded by employment taxes like the SSDI program but is instead funded by general revenue. In 2025, the maximum monthly SSI benefit is $967 for an individual and $1,450 per couple.

Deciding whether to apply for SSDI benefits, SSI benefits, or both will depend on your particular circumstances. Understandably, the law can seem complicated, and determining the best path forward may be confusing. Consulting with an attorney regarding your options is always advised. At Disability Experts, we're here for you.

Disability Experts Florida – Here For You

Regardless of whether you suffer from fibromyalgia or another disabling condition, you need to be able to focus on treating your condition and enjoying life with those you love as much as possible. What you don’t need is stress, worry, and anxiety about how you’ll pursue the disability benefits that you need and deserve. The good news is, you don’t have to.

At Disability Experts Florida, we’re here to help. Our talented and experienced legal team knows and understands the law, and we’ll always pursue the best legal strategies on your behalf. If you’re ready to get started, we are too. Give us a call today. We look forward to speaking with you soon.



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