Disability and Social Security News FL | SSI & SSDI Benefit Information

The Best Ways to Get Disability Benefits in Tampa

Written by Scott Flexer | Nov 3 2014

Applying for disability benefits in Florida is never a clear cut, simple process; who knows what seemingly small factors will come into play when the Social Security Administration (SSA) makes a determination on your claim? This is why countless disability applicants contact a seasoned disability expert when pursuing their claim. Doing so will often greatly improve their chances of getting benefits, and make the application process run more smoothly.

Pursuing Florida disability benefits on your own can be a frustrating, confusing and a stressful process, and can add to the stress of dealing with a disabling medical condition. Don’t risk making matters worse by pursuing benefits alone. Instead, contact an experienced disability consultant in your area to help smooth the process and improve your chances of getting the ample benefits you need to make up for medical treatment costs and lost wages.

Understand How the SSA Operates

When filing for SSDI and SSI through the federal government, it is vital to consider how the Social Security Administration operates and makes medical decisions regarding disability claims.

While it may seem to be intimidating, the SSA doesn’t set out to deny your benefits; they carefully and closely review every case, and make decisions based on how severely a disability inhibits one’s ability to work. They award benefits in cases where those benefits are truly warranted, such as in cases where a disability significantly alters one’s quality of life and prevents them from productive employment.

One of the most beneficial things you can do with your disability claim is to contact a local expert in your city or state, and allow that person to handle your claim with the SSA. When you pursue disability benefits alone, you put yourself and your needed benefits at unnecessary risk.

What it Takes to Get Benefits

Beyond the how the SSA itself makes decisions, you should also keep in mind the various factors that can (and often do) play a part in your application. The disability application process typically begins with submitting records and documentation to Social Security field offices and state disability evaluation agencies.

These organizations will process your application, and make decisions based on the medical evidence you provide and records that they obtain from your medical treatment sources. To qualify for disability benefits from the government, your condition must:

  • Be listed in the SSA’s Blue Book (a reference guide for all eligible disabilities)
  • Be expected to last at least one year or have already lasted one year
  • Significantly limit your ability to work

The Social Security Administration will determine your benefit amount (if you are determined to be medically disabled) by reviewing your entire Social Security Earnings Record. Following a series of tests, matching your working history and Social Security contributions, the SSA will determine both if you are eligible for benefits, and if so, the amount payable per month.

However, in some cases, the SSA will deny your application, classifying your condition as non-disabling. When this occurs, it may be either because your application truly is not eligible for benefits, or the SSA has made a mistake with your claim. If you believe the latter is true, making an appeal to the administration can keep your case open and may eventually result in your approval for benefits.

Finding Disability Experts in Tampa

Fortunately, this headache of applying, evidence gathering, medical examinations and appealing can be made simple by contacting a disability consultation service in your area. For Tampa disability cases, the seasoned professionals at Disability Experts of Florida are the ultimate resource in getting you the benefits you need.

By hiring an experience disability service to organize and guide your claim through the SSA’s decision-making process, you can ease the stresses inherent in applying and filing appeals and increase your chances of getting the benefits you need

When it comes to something as important as disability benefits, don’t risk losing everything by applying alone; instead, contact and consult with a disability pro in your area who can help you with your case and dramatically increase the chances of obtaining benefits.