Disability and Social Security News FL | SSI & SSDI Benefit Information

[New Guide] Breaking Down Work Credits for Your Social Security Disability Insurance

Written by Scott Flexer | Jun 2 2016

Whether you are receiving or applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), it is important to understand how your work history and work credits will affect the disability benefit amount you are eligible to receive.

SSDI is a program that you pay into, as an employee, throughout your career.

Therefore, your work credits weigh heavily on your working record and are a part of the Social Security Administration’s formula to calculating your benefit amount.

Our new guide, “Breaking Down Work Credits for Social Security Disability Insurance,” covers an array of topics that help you understand how your work credits affect your Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, including:

  • What work credits are
  • How SSDI work credits are earned
  • How your work history impacts your Social Security benefits

Download our informative, FREE guide today to learn all you need to know about breaking down your work credits for Social Security Disability Insurance.