Published on: October 22, 2024
Being disabled is difficult. Having to endure financial stress while you wait and wonder if you’ll be approved for disability benefits can be even more difficult. The good news is that you may not have to. Depending upon the circumstances of your claim, you may qualify for an early payment of benefits while waiting for an official decision on your claim. These are known as presumptive disability payments and emergency advance payments. Let’s take a closer look together at what these payments are and who might qualify.
What Types of Benefits Are Available for My Disability?
The Social Security Administration offers two types of disability benefits to qualifying applicants, depending upon the circumstances. These include:
- Social Security Disability Insurance: SSDI benefits are provided by the Social Security Administration to individuals with a qualifying medical disability that has caused them to be unable to work for a period of at least one continuous calendar year or more. In addition, the individual must be "insured." In the eyes of the Social Security Administration, this means that the applicant worked a job for a sufficient length of time through which they regularly paid a portion of their earnings into the Social Security system.
- Supplemental Security Income: As is the case with SSDI benefits; in order to receive SSI benefits, an applicant must have a qualifying medical disability that has caused them to be unable to work for a period of at least one continuous calendar year or more. Unlike the case with SSDI benefits, however, an individual need not be insured to receive SSI benefits. Instead, the applicant must have income and resources below a certain limit established annually by the Social Security Administration.
Depending upon your situation, you may qualify for one or both types of disability benefits. Of the two types of benefits, SSI benefit claims are those that may include a presumptive disability option. Presumably, this is because individuals seeking these benefits already have lower incomes and resources and may demonstrate the need for immediate financial assistance.
Do All Claims Receive Presumptive Disability Payments?
The short answer to this question is no – not all claims will qualify for presumptive disability. As noted, if a claim is for SSI benefits, then the Social Security Administration may make presumptive disability payments for up to six months while the claimant is waiting for a final decision to approve or deny benefits.
The decision to grant or deny presumptive disability payments will be based on a variety of factors, including, but not limited to:
- The severity of the particular condition for which the claimant is seeking benefits.
- The evidence provided to the Social Security Administration.
- The likelihood that the claim will ultimately be approved.
Being approved for presumptive disability benefits can make a tremendous difference in terms of relieving financial stress while waiting for a decision. If, after six months, the individual receiving the presumptive disability benefits is approved for long-term SSI disability payments, those benefits will continue. If an individual is ultimately not approved for disability benefits, however, the presumptive disability payments will cease.
What is an Emergency Advanced Payment?
In addition to qualifying for presumptive disability payments, there are some individuals who may also qualify for what the Social Security Administration calls an emergency advanced payment. This is a one-time payment made to applicants who face a financial emergency and who are entitled to SSI payments that have been delayed.
Generally, the maximum emergency advance payment an individual may receive is the lesser of:
- The SSI federal benefit rate – in 2024, this amount is $943 for an individual and $1415 for a couple.
- The total amount of benefits due.
- The amount requested for the financial emergency.
Typically, if an emergency advance payment is made, it is subtracted from the payments already due to an individual, and then the remainder will be paid. If past payments are not due to the applicant, the Social Security Administration will usually subtract the advance payment from the current monthly benefits for a period of up to six monthly installments.
Call Disability Experts Today
At Disability Experts Florida, we believe that our clients with disabilities deserve to focus on treating their condition and enjoying life with those they love. You don't need added worry and stress over complicated legal matters. You don't need to worry about how you'll pursue the disability benefits you need and deserve. Instead, you can leave those matters to us, knowing that you're putting your claim in good hands when you do. We know and understand every aspect of the law pertaining to disability benefits, and we'll always pursue the best legal strategies on your behalf. If you're ready to get started, give us a call today. We look forward to helping you soon.