Disability and Social Security News FL | SSI & SSDI Benefit Information

Are You Applying for Social Security Disability in Tampa?

Written by Scott Flexer | Apr 9 2015
If you've been hurt, injured, or have an illness that prevents you from working, we're aware of just how painful this can be for you, and we understand. It can be extremely painful to try to make sense of what you should be doing, especially if you've been working for a long time. Please understand, though, that there are programs designed to help you—both in Tampa and in the rest of the country.

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) exists so that you don't need to worry yourself so much about all of the details. After all, handling an illness or injury isn't easy in the first place. That's why you should apply for SSDI if you qualify.

How Do I Get Started?

We've got the basics here for you. For starters, you'll need to be able to prove that you are, in fact, disabled. Here at the Disability Experts of Florida Blog, we've listed many illnesses and disorders that qualify you for disability (and a few articles on those that don't). Those articles have a lot of information regarding the qualifications you must meet on those illnesses to get SSDI.

However, that's not the only resource you'll need (though we certainly think that it's a lot). In addition to our great articles, the Social Security Administration (SSA) has a publication known as the Blue Book. This is the ultimate guide to all things involving SSDI. It's a great guide as to what qualifies you to receive disability in Tampa, after all, it is the requirements book. If you're curious as to whether or not your condition qualifies, that's an excellent place to start.

Also, if you're confused or need further help with the topic, don't hesitate to call your doctor. Your doctor may be familiar with the Blue Book and may be able to offer an opintion as to whether or not your condition qualifies for disability. 

Speaking Of Doctors...

While we're at it, we'd like to let you know that you should be seeing your doctor as much as possible. Part of the application process will require records from your doctor showing the progression of your disability and the permanence of it. It's imperative that you see a physician often to make sure that these records are not only in place but shows a progression. It's a great benefit to your case if you do.

If you end up in an appeals process to receive benefits, it's often very helpful to have these records readily available to present at any hearing. Not only will it keep you prepared, but the judge that hears your case will see your preparedness and be more likely to approve your case.

Regarding The Stigma

There are a lot of sentiments lately about disability, and we want to say it again and again: there is no reason to skip SSDI benefits if you need them to survive. It's as simple as that. If businesses can take tax breaks because the burden's too heavy for them, you can take SSDI if the burden's too heavy for you.

Don't let anyone shame you into feeling like you're a second rate citizen just because you need help. That's simply a prejudicial attitude coming through, and you shouldn't have to deal with it. Your disability only makes you unable to work, not a bad person. Remember that, and you'll be just fine.

Call Us For Assistance!

Finally, if you need any help with the claims process or other issues, be sure to give us a call! We're here to assist you in whatever way that we can—and we don't collect payment until you win! We're ready to help and we can't wait to hear from you!