Disability and Social Security News FL | SSI & SSDI Benefit Information

The Time Period for a Decision for Tampa Social Security Disability

Written by Scott Flexer | Jul 14 2014

If you've recently filed a claim or are considering filing a claim for Social Security Disability in Tampa (SSDI), then you are probably asking yourself how long it will take for you to get your decision. This can be a difficult question to answer because there are so many variables unique to each person's individual claim. 

Tampa Social Security Disability and SSI cases can be decided in as little as a month or take as long as two years or even longer for benefits to be awarded. There is simply no way to predict how long a case will take because the Social Security Administration's (SSA) disability program does not impose deadlines for determinations on applications and appeals. As a general rule, though, your decision for your initial disability claim takes and averageof three to four months, and a reconsideration (the first level of appeal) takes roughly the same period of time. However, with the help of an experienced Tampa Social Security advocate, it is possible that your case could be decided sooner rather than later. It is advantageous to seek out help when filing your Tampa Social Security disability claim because our advocates have the experience necessary to expedite the documentation involved in filing your claim and gathering your medical records and other necessary tasks.

A Quick Note on Filing an Appeal for Social Security Disability in Tampa

Unless you have an extremely serious condition, there is a strong possibility that you'll have to appeal to an administrative law judge (ALJ). Unfortunately, this process ins consideraly more time consuming.because a hearing has to be scheduled.    The current wait time for a hearing in Tampa is approximately 14 months (from the date the Request For Hearing is filed).  Contact us and speak directly with an advocate. It's free of charge and we can give you a more specific idea based on your own personal  circumstances. Other factors which influence how long it takes to be awarded Tampa Social Security disability include:

  • Your Diagnosis
  • Number of Pending Cases at the time at which you file
  • Your Geographical Location
  • Record Highs of SSDI Claims due to a multitude of factors

It's a good idea to remember that our economy is in a downturn and that the "baby boomers" are aging. Uncertainty is frustrating. Not knowing when you'll get an answer when you are out of work and enduring rough financial circumstances only adds stress. That's why it's always a good move to work with an advocate when seeking Tampa Social Security disability benefits.

Leverage the Experience of an Experienced, Compassionate Social Security Disability Advocate in Tampa to Your Benefit

Times are tough. In some ways, we're facing unprecedented stresses on our system. But don't give up. Just call us for an absolutely free telephone Social Security disability consultation. Give yourself a fighting chance!