Disability and Social Security News FL | SSI & SSDI Benefit Information

Can I Receive Disability Benefits for Coronary Artery Disease?

Written by Scott Flexer | Mar 28 2014

Coronary Artery Disease is another problematic condition for those seeking Social Security Disability Insurance. Despite having this serious medical condition, many claimants have been denied SSD for several reasons. The most significant reason that those with coronary artery disease have been denied is the perception that it does not interfere with the individual’s ability to work.

As odd as it may sound, Social Security is not as concerned with a patient’s diagnosis as it is with their ability to carry on normally day-to-day and continue working. Remember, the SSA is concerned with whether a person can continue doing his/her old job, or whether a person can do a new job that isn’t detrimental to their condition. Though the system is rife with instances where the wrong decision has been rendered, we have to understand the lens through which the SSA views an individual’s current state of health.

The claimant must realize that the SSA will assess every case on both medical and vocational criteria. If they conclude that an individual can continue working,  they will deny SSDI benefits. In Spring Hill, sufferers of coronary artery disease who are filing for SSDI are advised to seek the aid of a Social Security advocate. Call Disability Experts of Florida for more information.

What a Social Security Advocate can Do for Those Seeking Social Security Disability in Spring Hill

Because certain diseases and medical conditions are complex for the SSA, the tenured Social Security advocates at Disability Experts of Florida suggest that claimants seek sound, experienced and savvy representation when pursuing their SSDI benefits. There’s too much at stake not to seek assistance; its clearly to the claimant’s advantage. It should be noted that at Disability Experts of Florida, we do not get paid unless you do.

It’s very important to note here that if you are denied benefits you should not give up on your case! With coronary artery disease, which is listed under Ischemic heart disease in the Blue Book, it is often the case that the claimant does not get awarded SSDI benefits until a hearing is held. The fight for your benefits can be long and arduous. An experienced Social Security advocate can help ease the stress of the filing process.

Call Disability Experts of Florida to Fight for Your Coronary Artery Disease SSDI Benefits

There’s just too much at stake. Not only that, but thearduous process of filing for benefits and fighting appeals can be disheartening. Call the compassionate, experienced Social Security Disability advocates at Disability Experts of Florida to help you get the benefits you so desperately need and deserve.