6 Signs You Need Help With Your Disability Claim

Published on: September 27, 2014

Don't lose out on disability. Get an expert's help.Deciding to pursue a social security disability claim can be a huge decision for many Americans. So much more goes in to getting the benefits and compensation you need than you probably anticipated and giving these factors their full attention is absolutely essential for the success of your claim.

For this reason,  it’s often helpful to seek out an expert’s guidance before filing. When seeking out disability benefits, you’ll want to have the strongest and most comprehensive claim file possible. In this blog, we’ll look at 9 major signs that serve as indicators that you should contact a disability professional before filing a claim.

1.) You Don’t Know Where to Start

Most obviously, you should seek professional disability aid if you’re completely new to the disability claims process and are unsure of how the Social Security Administration determines disability eligibility and handles benefits.

Filing for disability without direction or consideration for evidence, work documentation and medical records is probably the worst thing you can do when applying. Instead, contact an expert and allow him/her to guide you through the entire process. Not only will the process go more smoothly, but also you’ll be more likely to get better benefits as a result.

2.) You Need Help Gathering Documents and Evidence

You may also wish to seek outside help if you’re having trouble compiling evidence and providing documentation of your disability, or don’t know what documents you’ll need to present the strongest case.

The list of paperwork you’ll need to have prepared when filing for disability benefits is extensive, and entirely required for SSDI. Poor documentation or missing records can compromise your disability claim entirely; it’s best to stay safe, and have an expert’s help when preparing to file for disability.

3.) Finding Out if You’re Eligible for Disability

If you’re unsure of your eligibility for Social Security disability benefits, you may want to seek out a local disability expert for guidance. Disability is not a black-and-white decision; much more goes into your eligibility than you probably realize, and there are countless factors the Social Security Administration takes into account when making determinations on claims.

The best way to determine if you’re potentially eligible for benefits from Social Security is to speak with an experienced disability representative. 

4.) You Don’t Know When or How to File

Having a disability and the necessary paperwork to support it isn’t everything when it comes to a disability claim. In most cases, time is of the essence; the quicker you contact a local disability professional and file for your benefits, the better chances you’ll stand of receiving those benefits expeditiously.

If you’ve recently become disabled, and have not yet filed for disability through the Social Security Administration, act now! A seasoned disability expert will be your greatest asset in filing effective claims and getting the disability benefits you deserve. Don’t hesitate, and risk losing benefits!

5.) Understanding the Role of Work in Disability Claims

Additionally, if you’re unsure of what kind of work history documentation you’ll need, or how the Social Security Administration verifies work histories in their benefiit programs, you may want to find a professional to teach you the basics.

For disability claims in the state of Florida, you will need to pass both a duration of work test and a recent work test; tests that gauge your work history both throughout your life and leading up to your disability. To make sure you can pass these tests, and prove your work conditions have changed because of your disability, it’s wise to have an expert’s guidance. There’s too much on the line for you to not have the best disability claim possible.

6.) You Need Help Proving Your Claim and Being Awarded SSDI

For your Florida disability benefits needs, getting the proper direction form an expert can be the greatest decision you’ll make regarding your claim. Getting the benefits you need in while dealing with a disability doesn’t have to be a unnecessarily complex; a lot of times, it comes down to work history, disability type and evidence.

Cataloguing these factors and creating a strong case for your disability claim is often made simple with an outside expert’s help. Don’t lose your claim through simple misunderstandings with SSDI details. There’s too much at stake to risk handling disability applications without direction. In these cases, experienced SSDI professionals can point you in the right direction, and help you get the benefits you need.


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